Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati has Espoused to develop the Arya Samaj into a widely organised body and wanted each Arya Samaj to function as a unit, subservient to a Central Samaj. This idea, presumably, later on developed into the need of constituting a central body – Pratinidhi Sabha , in wake of the rapid increase in the number of Arya Samajis , for the purpose of mutual help , co-operation and unity in order to accomplish the great task set forth by the founder.
When after a resolution adopted by Arya Samaj, Anarkali , Lahore to serve its relation then Arya Pratinidhi Sabha originally known as Arya Pradeshik Pratinidhi Sabha Punjab , Sindh & Baluchistan came into being in 1894.
The Sabha got registered in 1903 With The Objectives:
I. To Propagate Vedic Dharma through Vedic Missionaries and literature.
II. To Start a library of Vedic Literature.
III.To help widows and orphans.
IV. To consider various means and ways for the development of Arya Samaj and to implement them
The main Activists behind founding Arya Pradeshik Pratinidhi Sabha were Lala Lajpat Rai , Mahatma Hansraj , Lala Lal Chand and Rai Bahadur Mul Rai. Though Lala Lajpat Rai, being President of DAV COLLEGE MANAGING COMMITTEE was responsible for the activities of the Sabha yet the burden of its execution came on the shoulders of Mahatma Hansraj.
In its long history of 111 years, the Sabha has passed through many stages of its development in terms of number of Arya Smajas coming under its fold. The leadership provided by its stalwarts and the programmes planned and executed in accordance with the objectives laid down in the constitution.
The number of Arya Samajas has risen vertically from 112 in the year 1922 to 6-- in 2015. In addition to its founding fathers enumerated above- Lala kushal Chand Anand ( later on known as Mahatma Anand Swami ) led the Sabha as its President for decades together.
The Sabha has been doing a yeoman service to the society through its invaluable and timely service rendered to the effected people in the times-Famines, Floods, Earthquake , Communal atrocities inflicted on Hindus. May it be koeta, Kangra, Garhwal, Orissa, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh , Malabar, Volunteers and the help in the form of cash and kind would flow in abundance. Mahatma Hansraj, Lal Kushal Chand,Lala Lajpat Rai would plan and lead such activities.
The Present President Arya Ratna ( Dr) Punam Suri , since his induction into the fold has infused new strength into the organisation. Under his guidance new dimensions have been given to the activities and this organization has emerged vibrant , unprecedently popular and growing at a faster and meaningful speed.