Dayananda Saraswati wrote more than 60 works in all, including a 16 volume explanation of the six Vedangas, an incomplete commentary on the Ashtadhyayi (Panini’s grammar), several small tracts on ethics and morality, Vedic rituals and sacraments and on analysis of rival doctrines (such as Advaita, Vedanta, Islam and Christianity). Some of his major works are Satyarth. Prakash, Sanskarvidhi, RigvedadiBhashyaBhumika, Rigved Bhashyam (up to 7/61/2) and Yajurved Bhashyam. The Paropakarini Sabha located in the Indian city of Ajmer was founded by the Swami himself to publish and preach his works and Vedic texts.
Complete List of his works
Sandhya (Unavailable) (1863)
Bhagwat Khandnam OR Paakhand Khandan OR Vaishnavmat Khandan (1866).
Advaitmat Khandan (Unavailable) (1870).
Panchmahayajya Vidhi (1874 &1877).
Satyarth Prakash (1875 & 1884).
VedantiDhwant Nivaran(1875)
Vedviruddh mat Khandan OR Vallabhacharya mat Khandan (1875).
ShikshaPatri Dhwant Nivaran OR SwamiNarayan mat Khandan (1875).
VedBhashyam Namune ka PRATHAM Ank (1875).
VedBhashyam Namune ka DWITIYA Ank (1876).
Sanskarvidhi(1877 & 1884)
AaryoddeshyaRatnaMaala (1877).
RigvedAadibBhasyaBhumika (1878).
Rigved Bhashyam (7/61/1, 2 only) (Incomplete) (1877 to 1899).
Yajurved Bhashyam (Complete) (1878 to 1889).
Asthadhyayi Bhashya (2 Parts) (Incomplete) (1878 to 1879).
Vedang Prakash (Set of 16 Books)
Varnoccharan Shiksha (1879).
Sanskrit Vakyaprabodhini (1879).
VyavaharBhanu (1879).
Sandhi Vishay.
Other Books
Gautam Ahilya ki Katha (Unavailable) (1879).
Bhrantinivaran (1880).
Bhrmocchedan (1880).
AnuBhrmocchedan (1880).
GokarunaNidhi (1880).
Chaturved Vishay Suchi (1971).
Gadarbh Taapni Upnishad (As per Babu Devendranath Mukhopadhya) (Unavailable).
Hugli Shastrarth tatha Pratima Pujan Vichar (1873).
Jaalandhar Shastrarth (1877).
Satyasatya Vivek (Bareily Shastrarth)(1879).
Satyadharam Vichar (Mela Chandapur)(1880).
Kashi Shastrarth(1880) Note:-for other miscellaneous Shastrarth Please read
i. Dayanand Shastrarth Sangrah published by Arsh Sahitya Prachar Trust,Delhi.
ii. Rishi Dayanand ke Shashtrarth evam Pravachan published by Ramlal Kapoor Trust Sonipat (Haryana).
Arya Samaj ke Niyam aur Upniyam (30-11-1874).
Updesh Manjari(Puna Pravachan) (04-07-1875) (Please see point 2 of note for more Pravachan)